The best illusionist in nature is the mimic octopus! It can alter its color and form to resemble other marine life and fit in with its surroundings. 

image: octonation

This octopus mimics the appearance of up to fifteen distinct marine animals, such as flatfish, sea snakes, and lionfish. What a fast-changing artist!

image: animalia

The octopus uses animal mimicry to deceive predators into believing it is something they shouldn't mess with. A clever way to survive!

image: freepik

Its favorite technique is to scare off potential predators by extending two limbs to simulate a deadly sea snake!

image: animalia

Predators find it more difficult to identify the mimic octopus when it flattens its body and glides down the ocean floor in the shape of a flatfish.

image: animalia

The mimic octopus is capable of changing not only its shape but also its color and texture, allowing it to fit in flawlessly with stony ocean beds, sandy bottoms, and coral reefs.

image: wikimedia

The mimic octopus, in contrast to many deep-sea octopuses, is found in the shallow, murky waters of the Indo-Pacific region, where its ability to mimic helps it evade predators.

image: animalia

Another way that these octopuses are known to elude predators is by squeezing between microscopic cracks and crevices in coral and rocks 

image: open art

Being able to quickly adapt to new hazards and learn from their surroundings, mimic octopuses are incredibly intelligent animals.

image: flickr

One of the most amazing and ingenious animals of the sea is the mimic octopus, thanks to its unparalleled mimicking and camouflage!

image: animalia