1. Among the most intelligent and adored aquatic creatures are dolphins. Let's dive deep into their captivating world!

image: pexels

2. Given their size in relation to their brains, dolphins are extremely intelligent animals who can solve problems and pick up new skills.

image: flickr

3. Dolphins reside in socially cohesive units known as pods. They use body language, whistles, and clicks to communicate!

image: pexels

4. Dolphins use echolocation to hunt and navigate, reflecting sound waves off objects to "see" below the surface of the ocean.

image: new scientist

5. Dolphins can jump more than twenty feet into the air, making them amazing athletes! It's entertaining to see their acrobatics.

image: picryl

6. Dolphins are gregarious animals who love to play games, compete, and even tinker with things like seaweed!

image: google

7. Dolphins come in approximately 40 different species worldwide, ranging from the common bottlenose dolphin to the endangered pink Amazon river dolphin.

image: animia

8. Humans have long been fascinated by dolphins. They are viewed as friendship symbols in many cultures, and they frequently engage with people in the wild.

image: google

9. Dolphins require air to breathe, unlike fish. They periodically rise to the surface to breathe through their blowhole.

image: animia

10. Dolphins are known to demonstrate incredibly high levels of empathy and concern for one another, especially when one of them is hurt or in distress.

image: animia